A cappella Chor Villach
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foto by ursula rausch


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Singwoche 2009 Berg im Drautal
Rehearal Week Berg im Drautal 2009

Glocknerhof Berg im Drautal
Fotos: Cornelia-Maria Wulz

foto by bernhard mayer

Blick aus dem Probenlokal (Wintergarten des Glocknerhofs) / Panaoramic view from the Rehearsal Room
Fotos: Cornelia-Maria Wulz

foto by bernhard mayer
foto by bernhard mayer

Wir proben Haydns "Schöpfung" / We rehearse Haydn's "Creation"
Fotos: Cornelia-Maria Wulz

foto by bernhard mayer
foto by walter haselsberger

Aufwärmen, einsingen und proben / Warm up and sing!
Fotos: Cornelia-Maria Wulz

foto by bernhard mayer
foto by bernhard mayer
foto by walter haselsberger

foto by bernhard mayer


Essens- und Freizeit! / Time for Lunch and Leisure Time
Fotos: Cornelia-Maria Wulz

foto by bernhard mayer


Nachwuchschor und -orchester / Junior Choir and Orchestra
Fotos: Cornelia-Maria Wulz

foto by bernhard mayer
foto by bernhard mayer
foto by bernhard mayer



© A cappella Chor Villach 2002-2009. email
Design by casch.